Shaping his own destiny - spotlight on 史蒂夫·G

史蒂夫·G. is the Scrum Master for 立博网站中文版’s software development team. Scrum is a framework that helps dev teams work together to create products that solve complex problems. Steve’s role is focused on moving the team forward. He takes upcoming requirements and input from stakeholders and distills it into reasonable chunks of work for the dev team to tackle.

在日常的基础上, 你会发现史蒂夫在主持会议, 收集信息, 与利益相关者沟通, 寻找问题的答案. His activities resemble those of a Project Manager – and he’s certainly managing projects – but with Scrum, 如何 the team works is viewed as the main contributor to the product’s success and that’s where Steve gets the most satisfaction from his work.

“The favorite part of my job has been helping to get the dev team to become a very high performing team,史蒂夫解释道。. “这有助于创造环境, 过程, tools and structure in 如何 we approach our work that lets the team do what they do best.”

Bellwether’s Vice President 梅里克斯洛斯已经分居 agrees that Steve’s contributions have been invaluable to the dev team’s progress.

“The 过程es and frameworks Steve has implemented have transformed the department into a well-oiled machine,麦里克说.


Steve says that his own success is due largely to the environment in which he works, one that gives him the freedom to use his own strengths and abilities to get the team moving in the right direction. Because there’s no blueprint for what success is supposed to look like, he has flexibility to do what he thinks is best.

“Bellwether is a place where you 可以 shape your own destiny,史蒂夫说。. “They let you take on what you think are the right next steps and work through that. They reward people for taking the initiative and for being responsible for what they do and doing a good job at it.”

The dev team at Bellwether is one of the best teams that Steve has ever worked with. This makes his job both easy and challenging in all the right ways. Squeezing more performance out of a team that’s already performing well is a matter of thinking critically about 如何 all the pieces fit together and then finding ways to improve on that.

These improvements have been observed by Bellwether’s President, 史蒂文·埃利斯, 谁说, “史蒂夫的新视角和洞察力, along with his ability to turn them into action, have been the cornerstone of our application technology team’s leap in effectiveness this year.”


在他的工作中指导开发团队, Steve has gained a reputation for making sure that the team stays the course and doesn’t get distracted by doing things they don’t need to do or going in a direction that they don’t need to go, which 可以 be easy to do when you’re in creation mode.

He knows that every decision that he has to make may not please everyone, but he values every opinion and considers everyone’s contributions. 当他需要领导的意见时, he’s found that if there’s a question or decision that needs to be made, it’s usually made fairly quickly and that is something else that enables team progress.

“Living in limbo is never fun if you don’t know 如何 to proceed,” commented Steve. “Getting those answers enables you to act, while not having answers prevents you from moving forward.”


Steve has found that there are some things that 可以 拖延工作——就像飓风艾达. Hurri可以e season on the Gulf Coast was a new experience for Steve when Ida rolled through in August of 2021. While Bellwether’s management supported employees, he observed that other companies were not so gracious.

立博体育官网的管理层基本上说, 如果你不能工作, 如果你没有网络, 如果你在处理你的房子, if you’re helping people – whatever it is you’re doing – take care of yourself and your family,史蒂夫说。. “这对我来说意义重大.”

While being set up for success in his role is important to Steve, it’s 如何 he’s treated as an employee and as a human being that has the most impact on his job satisfaction. Whenever he’s had to attend to a personal issue there are no questions asked, no explanations needed. 人们相信他会表现得像个成年人.

“I feel like it doesn’t take much for people to do that, 但并不是所有公司都是这样,史蒂夫说。.

There are many things that are different about Bellwether compared to other places that Steve’s worked, and 如何 he’s treated as a person is just one of them. He knows that his voice is heard and that what he says matters. Most of all Steve likes that he doesn’t have to wait for a promotion to advance his career. He 可以 just grab an opportunity when he sees one.
